From foundations and local government to businesses and federal funds, the University of Iowa continues to acquire funding for research across the disciplines.
We believe in the intersectionality of research. That our discoveries can break ground across disciplines. That our state-of-the-art facilities give our students and faculty the cutting-edge technology needed for groundbreaking discoveries.
$ 702.4 m
in research funding
Office of the Vice President for Research

Find Funding
Research funding is available through multiple avenues, including external, internal, and limited submission competitions.

Resources and Assistance
Graduate and professional students can take advantage of programs offered through the Division of Sponsored Programs (DSP) and the Graduate College.
Groundbreaking and Interdisciplinary Research

Medical Research
Our medical researchers have access to the UI Hospitals and Clinics, one of the best hospitals in the country. Their research ranges from audiological technology to advances in biomedical engineering, all in pursuit of a healthier tomorrow.

Scientific Research
From one-in-a-million discoveries to understanding the neuroanatomy of play, scientific researchers at Iowa have the resources to explore their theories and passions in state-of-the-art facilities.

Space Research
We've maintained a long legacy of space exploration, beginning with James Van Allen and his discovery of the Van Allen Radiation Belt. This legacy continues with NASA-funded research in our state-of-the-art facilities.

Performing Arts Research
How can dance be used as an act of protest? A way to translate scientific concepts? Where do dance and engineering intersect? At Iowa, we encourage research that crosses disciplines to find innovative answers.

250 +
annual postdoctoral trainees on campus

Division of Sponsored Programs
Find information and resources about preparing proposals, negotiating contracts, managing awards, and budget preparation.
University Funding Sources
Research funding through grants, the Provost's Office, Colleges, Health and Biomedical Science, and various other sources are available.
Research Development Office
Hosts upcoming events, research education and training opportunities, campus and community outreach events, and networking opportunities.